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Improve your Speaking online Episode 14, Introduction:

This week we bring new current topics in Episode 14 so you can improve your online speaking from home.


Topic 1: Trading

«The Greatest Traider in all times«

“The story of the Greatest Traider of modern finance”


We will focus the conversation on the following questions:

  1. Do you know anything about traiding?
  2. Who was the best traider of all the times? Why?
  3. Which algorithim is most used in traiding?
  4. Is traiding secure if you also estimate probabilities to win and lose?
  5. Explain why Jim Simons became so sucessful in traiding.

Here we leave you some vocabulary you can use during the talk 

  • Profits- has to do with financial gains.
  • Annual return- the gains that an investment gives in this period of time.
  • Paradox- a contradictory statement.
  • Begin to blossom- start giving results.
  • The hedge fund- this tip of fund is a high risk investment fund.
  • Estimate probability- a certain possibility to win or lose.
  • Achievements- the positive results of something.
  • IBM- International Business Machines Corporation.

Topic 2: How to tackle a bad habit

«Track Your Habits«

On shares his «life-changing» habit tracking system that has allowed him to achieve more.


We will focus the conversation on the following questions:

  1. How to become a productive person?
  2. Which actions can be the cause a bad habit?
  3. How you can overcome certain bad habits?
  4. If you don´t have time in order to do something can lead you to posponeit?
  5. Is is important to start not delaying certain things? Why?

Here we leave you some vocabulary you can use during the talk 

  • jeopardize- to expose to danger or risk.
  • shopping spree- a short period of time in which someone buys a lot of things.
  • unmet- unsatisfied.
  • clenching the jaw- holding the teeth together and tightening the jaw muscles.
  • trigger- a thing that initiates a process or course of action.
  • to get caught up in- to find oneself involved in something.
  • productivity- means beig efficent, or also rate a certain work.
  • procrastination- action of delaying something.

Topic 3: All The Reasons to Read: It’s Important

«All The Reasons to Read: It’s Important«

The importance of reading is completely undeniable.


The importance of reading is completely undeniable. The next time someone asks you: “Why is reading important?” you will have an educated and thorough answer to respond with. If you’re not the biggest fan of books, that’s ok! You’re not alone! But before you shut down books and reading all together, take the time to learn more about the importance of reading and all the incredible benefits that come with it.

Challenge yourself by stepping out of your comfort zone, and you may even surprise yourself with a newfound passion. You’ll be amazed to see the places reading can take you.

Why is Reading Important?

Why is reading important exactly? What’s all this talk and excitement really about? There’s plenty of reasons why reading is a beneficial practice.


1. Reading Expands the Mind


For starters, reading helps to expand the mind and give us more ideas. Reading has been proven to keep our minds young, healthy and sharp, with studies showing that reading can even help prevent alzheimer’s disease.

The study closely examined 294 eldery women and men in their 80s, and gave them mentally stimulating tasks, including reading and writing. They were also given memory and thinking tests annually in their last years to keep track of their progress. After they died, autopsies showed that those who had engaged in such activities had a slower rate of memory decline compared to those who hadn’t read.

Reading also develops the imagination and allows us to dream and think in ways that we would have never been able to before.


2. Reading Allows for Creative Thinking


Another one of the many reasons why reading is important is that it allows for creative thinking. Reading can inspire you when you are feeling bored, down or in a rut.. It can help give you that very needed pick-me-up without having to search too far for it. Reading helps get the creative side of your brain thinking, unlike television that really does not use much creative brain power.


3. Reading Helps Improve Concentration


If you are still unconvinced or unsure about the importance of reading, or feel as though it’s not beneficial for you personally, then it’s important to note that reading actually helps improve concentration. Reading can train our mind how to focus properly, which is invaluable in nearly everything we do on a daily basis — whether it be as we study or even in our careers and in our personal relationships. We could all benefit from practicing our concentration skills.

Reading takes us out of that ‘multi-tasking’ mindset that are constantly in. It allows us to really focus on one single thing that we are doing, and be fully present in it. This focus can allow us to be successful in other parts of our lives, such as on the job. Those who are capable of focusing for longer periods of time can get more work done and be more efficient, which can mean working less overall hours or being seen as a more valuable worker.

Why Should You be a Bookworm?

On top of all the major reasons why reading is important, such as the fact that it expands the mind, allows for creative thinking and helps improve concentration, there are also many other reasons as to why you should be a bookworm.


1. Reading Can Give You a Greater Perspective


Another one of the reasons why reasons why reading is important is that it allows for a greater perspective on the world and on others. Reading can take us outside of our closed-off bubble, allowing us to see a different view on the world, one outside of our own. Reading is a chance to live through the lives of others without stepping outside of our comfort zone or even traveling anywhere else. It’s a chance to live another life without even leaving your home. It will transport our imagination to places we’ve never been before, and perhaps never even knew existed.


2. Reading Can Help You Destress


Many of us have a lot of things stressing us out in our busy and hectic lives, and we are always looking for new, concrete ways to deal with these anxieties. Well, believe it or not, reading can actually help you destress.

Sometimes, there’s no need to spend lots of money on professionals and programs to achieve a sense of calm, and a simple book can solve everything. Reading is the ideal way to relax and calm those anxious nerves that are constantly at work.

In fact, a recent study found that a mere six minutes of reading was shown to reduce muscle tension, and slowed down the heart rates of readers as well.Overall, it reduced stress levels by an impressive 68 percent. If this isn’t enough to convince you of the importance of reading, then we don’t know what will!


3. Reading Can Provide a Sense of Belonging


If you are ever feeling a little lonely or lost, a book can also be your best friend. It may sound kind of silly, but it couldn’t be more true, and there’s nothing to be ashamed of. We’ve all been there, and we could all use a good read and some comfort..

Reading can really provide a sense of belonging, giving us a sense of hope during tough times, reminding us that we are not alone. Reading about others who also went through a hard time and managed to face their challenges can serve as a real inspiration. If they can get through it, then so can you! Sometimes, a good book is exactly what we need to keep on going.


4. Reading is a Great Conversation Starter


Not only is reading good for the soul and the mind, but another one of the many reasons why reading is important is that it makes for a great conversation starter. Reading provides you with a great deal of new information, and can connect people from all over the world.

Regardless of where two people may be from, if they’ve read the same book, it will always connect these two people together. You never really know when a book that you read will come in handy in conversation. Perhaps it will be what will land you the job in an interview, or perhaps will even help you become closer to a romantic partner that you’ve got your eye on.


5. Reading Helps Your Vocabulary


Reading can help improve your vocabulary. Saying new words out loud helps you better recall them and pick them up, making these new words part of your own daily vocabulary. Those with a higher vocabulary are considered to be more intelligent, and are often taken more seriously in a work setting, which can open up better career opportunities. According to a paper from the University of California Berkeley, exposure to new vocabulary leads to higher scores on intelligence tests.



It’s safe to say that reading can change your life for the better, and the importance of reading is undeniable. If you think that you hate reading books, then perhaps you just have yet to find the genre for your own personal style — but keep trying, and keep searching for what’s right for you. A book is one of the most powerful things in the world, offering you new opportunities to learn, grow and be inspired!


We will focus the conversation on the following questions:

  1. Do you like reading?
  2. Why is it so important to read?
  3. Which cognitive areas reading will improve?
  4. Can you learn something and expand your knowlege if you start to read?
  5. Do you think that new tecnologies helped in order to decrease reading in new generations?

Here we leave you some vocabulary you can use during the talk 

  • comfort zone: a situation where one feels safe or at ease.
  • pick-me-up: a thing that makes one feels more energetic or cheerful.
  • in a rut: to be stuck in routine.
  • stimulating task: task which inspires us new ideas or enthusiasm.
  • multi-tasking: to deal with more than one task at the same time
  • bookworm: a person who enjoys reading.
  • closed-off bubble: to avoid emotional connection with others, living in isolation.
  • hectic: full of incessant or frantic activity.

Topic 4: Self teaching

«Auto: Learning through self-teaching and experimentation«

Everyone has the capacity for continuous personal growth. Autodidactic learning and auto-experimentation are vectors each of us can apply to learn anything.


We will focus the conversation on the following questions:

  1. How is described autodidact in the video? Do you believe that homeschooling is great idea?
  2. Can you become someone who is able to do anything by being an autodidcat?
  3. Do you think you can learn better by teaching yorself things?
  4. As a human being do you think that we need always to learn something in order to improve?
  5. Does learning has an end? Why?

Here we leave you some vocabulary you can use during the talk 

  • autodidact- a self thought person.
  • homeschooling- an education given to children by patents at home.
  • self experimentation- refers to the special case of single-subject research in which the experimenter conducts the experiment on themselves.
  • contribute- help to cause and bring out.
  • diligence- careful and persistent work.
  • absorve- to take in and make part of an existent whole the capacity.
  • self teaching- having acquired knowledge or skill on one’s own initiative rather than through formal instruction.

Topic 5: Self-Discipline

«8 Powerful Ways To Cultivate Extreme Self-Discipline«

The first and best victory is to conquer self.


“The first and best victory is to conquer self.” ~ PLATO

Learning to effectively lead yourself and others all comes down to discipline. Happiness, success, and fulfillment stem from focus and self-control. It may be hard to believe when you’re facing an all-you-can-eat buffet, the prospect of making a quick buck, or the lazy lure of sleeping in versus getting on the Peloton, but studies show that people with self-discipline are happier. Why? Because with discipline and self-control we actually accomplish more of the goals we truly care about. Self-discipline is the bridge between goals defined and goals accomplished.

Chapter Eight of my new book – Embrace the Suck: The Navy SEAL Way To An Extraordinary Life – is titled ‘Win More Through Discipline And Accountability.’ People with a higher degree of self-control spend less time debating whether to indulge in behaviors and activities that don’t align with their values or goals. They are more decisive. They don’t let impulses or feelings dictate their choices. They are the architects of their own beliefs and the actions they take to achieve a desired outcome. As a result, they aren’t as easily distracted by temptation and tend to feel more satisfied with their lives.

“You have power over your mind—not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” ~ MARCUS AURELIUS

There are specific strategies you can execute to learn self-discipline and gain the willpower to live a happier, more fulfilling life. If you are looking to take control of your habits and choices, here are the eight most powerful things you can do to master self-discipline—which is imperative for life beyond your comfort zone—and maybe even redefining “extraordinary.”

STEP ONE: Know your strengths and weaknesses.

We all have weaknesses. Whether they’re the desire for alcohol, tobacco, unhealthy food, obsession over social media, or the video game Fortnite (what the heck is with this game by the way?!), they have a similar effect on us. Weaknesses don’t just come in the form of areas where we lack self-control either. We all have our strong suits and the stuff we kind of stink at. For example, I don’t care for having difficult conversations, lengthy paperwork that involves digging up old documents I never saved in the first place, holding my temper when someone is shooting at me, or calling into automated phone systems. And therefore, I used to actively (or purposefully) avoid these activities. Now, I strive to tackle them head-on—or I delegate them to others. (Never forget about the subtle art of delegation!)

Self-awareness is a powerful tool for comfort zone expansion, but it requires constant focus and acknowledging your shortcomings, whatever they may be. I suffered from bad allergies and asthma growing up and had terrible eyesight. Those were some significant weaknesses when considering becoming a Navy SEAL. But so what? I trained hard to improve my lung function and used money I’d saved for LASIK eye surgery. Too often people either try to pretend their vulnerabilities don’t exist or they succumb to them with a fixed mindset, throwing their hands up in defeat and saying, “Oh well.” Know your strengths, but more importantly, own up to your flaws. You can’t overcome them until you do.

STEP TWO: Remove temptations.

“I can resist anything except temptation.” ~ OSCAR WILDE

Like the saying goes, “out of sight, out of mind.” It may seem silly, but this phrase offers powerful advice. By simply removing the biggest temptations from your environment, you will greatly improve your self-discipline. When I decided I was going to pursue the lofty goal of becoming a SEAL, everything in my life had to change. If you want to eat healthier, toss the junk food in the trash. Want to drink less? Throw out the booze. If you want to enhance your productivity at work, improve the management of your To-Do’s, turn off social media notifications and silence your cell phone. Prioritize and execute.

The fewer distractions you have, the more focused you will be on accomplishing your goals. Set yourself up for success by ditching bad influences.

STEP THREE: Set clear goals and have an execution plan.

If you hope to achieve greater degrees of self-discipline, you must have a clear vision of what you hope to accomplish, just like any goal. You must also have an understanding of what success means to you. After all, if you don’t know where you are going, it’s easy to lose your way or get sidetracked. Remember to prioritize. At TakingPoint Leadership, when we work with our corporate clients on strategic planning, execution, and organizational transformation, we remind them that having ten priorities translates to no priorities.

A clear plan outlines each time-bound step you must take to reach your goals. Create a mantra to keep yourself focused. Successful people use this technique to stay on track, emotionally connect to their mission, and establish a clear finish line.

STEP FOUR: Practice daily diligence.

We aren’t born with self-discipline; it’s a learned behavior. And just like any other skill you want to master, it requires daily practice and repetition. It must become habitual. But the effort and focus that self-discipline requires can be draining. As time passes, it can become more and more difficult to keep your willpower in check. The bigger the temptation or decision, the more challenging it can feel to tackle other tasks that also require self-control.

So, work on building your self-discipline through daily diligence in a given area associated with a goal. This goes back to step three. In order to practice daily diligence, you must have a plan. Put it on your calendar, your to-do list, tattoo it on the back of your eyelids – whatever works best for you. With practice, anyone can push the boundaries of their comfort zone every day.

STEP FIVE: Create new habits and rituals.

Acquiring self-discipline and working to instill a new habit can feel daunting at first, especially if you focus on the entire task at hand. To avoid feeling intimidated, keep it simple. Break your goal into small, doable steps. Instead of trying to change everything at once, focus on doing one thing consistently and master self-discipline with that goal in mind.

As we say in the SEAL Teams, “Eat the elephant one bite at a time.”

If you’re trying to get in shape but don’t exercise regularly (or ever), start by working out ten or fifteen minutes a day. If you’re trying to achieve better sleep habits, start by going to bed thirty minutes earlier each night. If you want to eat healthier, change your grocery shopping habits and prep meals ahead of time. Take baby steps. Eventually, when your mindset and behavior starts to shift, you can add more goals to your list.

STEP SIX: Change your perception about willpower.

If you believe you have a limited amount of willpower, you probably won’t surpass those limits. As I mentioned previously, studies show that willpower can deplete over time. But what about changing that perception? The SEAL candidate who believes they probably won’t make it through training won’t succeed. Why assume our will to win can only take us so far?

When we embrace the mindset of unlimited willpower, we continue to grow, achieve more, and develop mental toughness. It’s the same philosophy as setting “stretch” goals. In short, our internal conceptions about willpower and self-control can determine how disciplined we are. If you can remove these subconscious obstacles and truly believe you can do it, then you will give yourself an extra boost of motivation toward making those goals a reality.

STEP SEVEN: Give yourself a backup plan.

In the SEAL Teams, we always have contingency plans. Psychologists use a technique to boost willpower called “implementation intention.” That’s when you give yourself a plan to deal with a potentially difficult situation you know you will likely face. To be clear, I am not referring to a backup plan under the auspices that you’ll probably fail at Plan A.

Let’s say you aspire to become a trapeze expert, but tell yourself, “Well, I’m probably not going to excel at this, so chances are I’ll be sticking with miniature golf.” That’s a lame backup plan wrapped in mediocrity. We are talking about contingencies for intentional course correction, not planning for failure. So be bold and keep moving forward. Going in with a plan will help give you the mindset and self-control necessary for the situation. You will also save energy by not having to make a sudden decision based on your emotional state.

STEP SEVEN: Find trusted coaches or mentors.

The development of expertise requires coaches who are capable of giving constructive, even painful, feedback. Real experts are extremely motivated students who seek out such feedback. They’re also skilled at understanding when and if a coach or mentor’s advice doesn’t work for them.

The elite performers I’ve known and worked with always knew what they were doing right while concentrating on what they were doing wrong. They deliberately picked unsentimental coaches who would challenge them and drive them to higher levels of performance. The best coaches also identify aspects of your performance that will need to be improved at your next level of skill and aid you in preparation.

STEP EIGHT: Forgive yourself and move forward.

Even with all our best intentions and well laid plans, we sometimes fall short. It happens. You will have ups and downs, great successes and dismal failures. The key is to keep going. A very close SEAL buddy of mine has had a lifelong dream of not just serving in the SEAL Teams but also making it to our tier one special missions unit. He has every qualification this unit could possibly want, but for some reason they didn’t select him on his first application attempt. Did he wallow in sorrow? Not for one second. He immediately developed a plan to request even more “schools,” train even harder, and he transferred to a different SEAL Team for a better chance to get picked up next time. Easy day.

If you stumble, find the root cause by asking the five WHY’s and move on. Don’t let yourself get wrapped up in guilt, anger, or frustration, because these emotions will only drag you further down and impede future progress.

Learn from your missteps and forgive yourself. Then get your head back in the game and violently execute. Good luck!

We will focus the conversation on the following questions:

  1. How would you define a self-discipline?
  2. Do you think that is easy to have discipline?
  3. Disciplines is only focused on sports and diet. True or false.
  4. Which other areas the discipline is focused on? Give examples and explain.
  5. In the article are given certain tips to achieve self- discipline. Name them and explain.

Here we leave you some vocabulary you can use during the talk

  • goals accomplished- get it done.
  • self-awareness- conscious knowledge of one’s own character and feelings.
  • organizational transformation- is a business strategy for change management intended to move your organization from where it currently is to a desired future state.
  • be drainning- tires you out, either physically or emotionally.
  • willpower- control exerted to do something or restrain impulses.
  • perception- the way that something is undertood or interpreted.
  • mindset- a certain attitude held by someone.
  • stumble- almost fall, to trip or lose balance for a moment.